Kingston Writers Group

Fern Stimson
Drabble Selections
Contact Us
Snapshots Anthology
Contributing author: Brit Follis
Our Members:
Theresa O'Neil
Colleen Shea Shawongonabe
Rosanne Way
Megan Hotchkiss
Fern Stimson
Vi Putnam
Elizabeth Woollatt Reid
Jorica Perry
Enid Neff Johnston

About Fern Stimson:
I Lurnd to rite when I was 6
But still some leturs are hard to fix.
Now i do verse and sometimes worse
Bout dead relatives or the universe
A novel I'm riting, a screen play for sure
If only a publisher wud  bid to secure.
Fern has a wonderful sense of humour.


All writing, including excerpts, is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced without the author's permission